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Hướng nghiên cứuKTL nâng cao

Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến việc thu hút FDI

. import excel data2610.xls, sheet(“du lieu”) firstrow clear . egen id = group(country) . destring year, force replace year contains nonnumeric characters; replaced as int . xtset id year panel variable: id (strongly balanced) time variable: year, 1996 to 2013 delta: 1 unit . global mh1 gro inf lncost lnelectric op risk tax . global mh2 gro inf lncost lnelectric risk tax op1 op2 . global mh3 gro inf lncost lnelectric risk tax op1 . global mh4 gro inf lncost lnelectric risk tax op2 . global mh5 gro inf lncost lnelectric op risk tax lngdp . global mh6 inf lncost lnelectric op risk tax lngdp . *Uoc luong …

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